Sablex Infinity, DNA age reverse, telomeric activation, 30 ml vial


Presentation: 30 ml ampoule

Dosage: used in parallel and to enhance the effect of Sablex Reset, 1-3 drops sublingually daily.

It is not recommended for people under 25 for the simple fact that in their body telomerase is active and a surplus will be excreted without being used by the body. If the person feels the symptoms of aging of the body, the product can be used by those under 25 years of age. Such cases are caused by pollution, trauma, stress, etc.

100% natural ingredients: purified water, telomerase enzymes from glandular sources, astragalus extract, vegetable glycerin



We have become accustomed to considering old age as something normal in our lives. we are born, we become adults and then slowly we begin to respect each other. The end that we have all learned to accept is passing away.

We can now stop and reverse the aging process by using telomerase enzyme supplements for adult stem cells and somatic cells that divide in the body.

Here’s how Sablex works:

Every cell in the body has a biological clock, a limit (Hayflick Limit) over which the cell no longer divides and dies. The biological clock is represented by the endings of DNA chains also called telomeres. At each cell division the telomeres lose telomerase from the enzyme and shorten. When the telomerizol length reaches ZERO, the cell no longer divides and dies. This is how aging occurs for the human body. When the biological clock (telomere length) reaches zero for most cells, due to the lack of young, viable cells, the body dies. It is impossible to avoid death because the biological clock is recorded in the DNA of each of our cells.

Sablex Reset and Infinity are probably the most important supplements you have ever used because they contain telomerase enzymes that complete the length of the telomeres in the cells thus giving the biological clock back.

The countdown to death is thus reversed.

Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Carol W. Greider and Jack W. Szostak received the 2009 Nobel Prize in Medicine for this discovery.

In the first 16 years of life, the body produces the largest amount of the enzyme telomerase as well as peptides and nucleotides that support the length of telomeres. This activity decreases and almost ceases when the human body reaches the age of 25.

That is why the degradation of the organism starts slowly from the age of 25 and continues exponentially without the intake of the enzyme telomerase that rejuvenates the cellular DNA.

The tragedy that happens to all of us from the age of 25 is that from that moment on, every time a cell divides, telomerase enzymes shorten leading to cell damage over time and finally to its death, a phenomenon incorrectly called aging.

Presentation, dosage and ingredients

Presentation: 30 ml vial

Dosage: used in parallel and to enhance the effect of Sablex Reset, 1-3 drops sublingually daily.

It is not recommended for people under 25 for the simple fact that in their body telomerase is active and a surplus will be excreted without being used by the body. If the person feels the symptoms of aging of the body, the product can be used by those under 25 years of age. Such cases are caused by pollution, trauma, stress, etc.

100% natural ingredients: purified water, telomerase enzymes from glandular sources, astragalus extract, vegetable glycerin

About the administration of Sablex

After administration of Sablex Reset, and implicitly telomerior lengthening, the process of cell division and implicitly shortening of telomeres continues. We know that the average divisions are at 30-40 hours in case of trauma or tissue damage. So 120 cell divisions = approx. 3600 hours = 150 days at increased speed as in case of trauma and requires tissue repair by cell division. This is the worst case scenario and it may take more or less depending on your body. Therefore, it is recommended to administer a vial of Sablex Reset at least once every 6 months. Those who want to use Sablex Reset more often than once every 6 months is OK because in case of excess, it is excreted in the urine without affecting you in any way.

The combination of Sablex Reset and Sablex Infinity

For extra telomeric activation and reset of the whole body’s telomeres, we recommend using Sablex Infinity in parallel with Sablex Reset. This is the most effective way to get the most out of this amazing supplement. Remember, Sablex is probably the most important supplement you have ever taken.

Definitions and specifications

Telomeres are protein structures present in the DNA of every cell in our body. At each cell division the length of the telomeres shortens. We called this the “biological clock.” When the length of the telomeres reaches zero, the cell becomes senescent, can no longer divide and dies. As we age, more and more cells become senescent until the body can no longer function due to the lack of young, viable cells. Then comes old age, disease and finally the death of the body.

Studies to date have shown that cells that have been constantly provided with enzymes and peptides that activate the telomerase enzyme have increased their replication time by more than 600 replications compared to only 86 replicates as is normal for cells that have not been provided with this enzyme. . This is an increase of over 700%.

What do you gain if you use Sablex?

Extra hours, days, years, maybe even decades in which to continue your evolution; extra energy and vitality.

What to expect if you use Sablex?

Sablex is rich in telomerase enzymes from glandular sources as well as peptide extracts for which laboratory tests have shown that they can activate, reset and recombine telomeres in DNA. Sablex also contains astragalus extract as a telomerase activator to potentiate their effect.

Sablex simply places enzymes in the body that prolong telomeres, peptides and nucleotides and stimulates telomerase. Sablex itself does not treat or cure any of the ailments caused by aging. Positive changes in the body will only be caused by changes in the body’s ability to regenerate, repair or correct organs, hormones or skin (skin) problems. Sablex will not actually make you go back in age. Research shows that the body retains and preserves the body’s age at the cellular level but with telomeric support from Sablex will continue to function and their ability to divide will begin again.

Each person has different symptoms of aging and implicitly the effects of Sablex will differ from one person to another. For example, a person who is healthy and without visible skin damage due to aging may not notice radical changes in their appearance.

Also, a young and healthy person using Sablex will not suffer from cellular senescence and could theoretically keep their youthful appearance and energy for a longer period of time.


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